On April 2, 2020, Longli Technology held the first employee representative conference in 2020, which is the fourth meeting since the establishment of the employee representative organization. The organization of the employee congress is an important task for strengthening democratic communication and exchanges and for harmonious labor-management relations.

    This employee representative meeting is led and executed by the Human Resources Department. More than 30 employee representatives attended the meeting. Manager Zhou of the Human Resources Department and Peng Huan of the Administration Department attended the meeting and carried out the feedback from the employee representatives. Answered.

New members introduce themselves

Employee feedback

At the beginning of the meeting, the newly elected members of the employee representative assembly were introduced. The organization of the employee representative assembly will continue to be improved, and the team of employee representatives will continue to grow and become an important communication "hub" between the company and the grassroots employees.
Next, the employee relations specialist answered and publicized the opinions and suggestions submitted by the employee representatives one by one.

The next link is the commendation of outstanding employee representatives. According to the employee representative management system, employee representatives who actively collect employee opinions and suggestions will be commended and rewarded.


Recognition of outstanding employee representatives

Group photo of employee representatives
After the commendation was over, it was time for employee representatives to make comments and suggestions. The staff representatives speak freely. The Human Resources Department and the Administration Department respectively recorded each issue in detail according to the scope of responsibility and publicized the results of the feedback. With the end of the question-and-answer session, this employee representative meeting ended successfully.

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